How it Works


Races #1-6: 

The evening starts with the auctioning of the individually named mice to either an individual or group of people. This in itself stimulates a little bit of rivalry and some times high prices for the mice are paid.  Don't worry the winner doesn't have to take the mouse home, it is ownership purely for the evening.

Prior to each race you can bet on the mice at the Tote giving the opportunity for competition between syndicates and a great deal of fun ensues.

The fun starts with the first 6 races involving 12 named mice, 2 mice per lane over obstacles. The winning mouse goes to the winners enclosure to wait for the grand final.  This continues until there are 6 winning mice to compete in the final.

Race #7:

But first the losing mice race, to find the winner of the losers.  This is race number 7, and it can be bet on in the same way as the previous 6 races.

Race #8 - The Grand Finale:

Then race number 8, the Grand Finale of the evening, where the 6 winners are ran against each other to give us an overall winning mouse for the evening!